Unsere Blog-Serie führt durch die verschiedenen Phasen einer Umstrukturierung und beantwortet damit verbundene Fragen – auch abseits juristischer Themen.
In part 2 of this 3-part series, Omni Bridgeway turns to Nathan Landis, an Investment Manager based in our Perth office, Shane Taylor, a Business Development Director based in our Sydney office,
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to devastate economies worldwide, we’re seeing a wave of Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings. These filings, which provide protection to companies as they reorganize their businesses so creditors may be paid over a period of time, have surged 26% in April (up from the 444 filings in April 2019).
The economic impact has been far-reaching. Notable examples include:
The GCC Quarterly Review briefly summarises a selection of the major developments in the laws of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) in the third quarter of 2018, with links to further reading, where available.
Welche Stolpersteine drohen, wenn einige Arbeitnehmer noch nach der Betriebsstilllegung für Abwicklungsarbeiten benötigt werden, zeigt der Fall Air Berlin.
Als Air Berlin im November 2017 Insolvenz anmeldete, war das Schicksal der rund 6.000 Arbeitnehmer eine der in der Presse am meisten diskutierten Fragen. Bereits ein halbes Jahr später hatten etwa 3.000 von ihnen einen neuen Arbeitsplatz gefunden, die meisten bei anderen Fluggesellschaften. Hunderte andere wurden zunächst in Transfergesellschaften betreut.
Welle von Kündigungsschutzklagen
A real estate developer faced foreclosure and the loss of a large and very visible condominium project in Manhattan. A prominent New York City real estate investor, Philip Pilevsky, with help from his family members tried to rescue the developer by implementing a fairly obvious and perfectly legal technique to delay the foreclosure by almost a year.